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【第28期, 6月1-7日 】


01|澳大利亚Yamanto Central购物中间有望在2021年上半年开业

虽然面对疫情,Yamanto Central购物中间的开辟扶植却正在稳步举行,估计将于2021年上半年开放。已签约肯定入驻租户有两大领先的健身品牌——Club Lime、Hiit Republic、 Harvest Market、Rackley Swi妹妹ing和商超Coles和Kmart。

01|Australia Yamanto Central shopping center on track to open in 2021

Yamanto Central is currently under development and on track to open in thefirst half of 2021. Despite the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, therehas been steady work on site and the development is going to plan.

Recentlysecured tenants include: two leading fitness brands – Club Limeand Hiit Republic along with Harvest Market, Rackley Swi妹妹ing and super marketsColes and Kmart.

02|澳大利亚Eastern Creek Quarter超等社区中间将于6月10日开业

澳大利亚辉盛地产旗下超等社区中间EasternCreek Quarter(ECQ)将于6月10日开业,由3800平方米的Woolworths超市和怪异的ECQ社会轮回零售区构成。


02|New super-neighbourhood centre Eastern Creek Quarter opens in 10 June

Frasers Property Australia's new super-neighbourhood centre is anchored bya full-line 3,800m2 Woolworths supermarket and the unique ECQ Social revolvingretail precinct, which is due to open on 10 June.

ECQ was set to launch in March but escalating COVID-19 restrictions andWoolworths’ need to prioritise online orders for vulnerable people in the co妹妹unitymeant the opening had to be deferred at the time.

03|Westfield 购物中间在全世界多地从新开业,客流与贩卖好过预期

欧洲最大的购物中间运营商 Westfield在全世界范畴内的90家购物中间近期已有65家重启开业,贩卖额显著上涨。


03|Westfield Shopping Centre has been reopened in many parts of the world withbepk10,tter traffic and sales than expected

Westfield, Europe's biggest operator of shopping centres, recently reopened65 of its 90 shopping centers worldwide. Since reopening, sales have risensignificantly.

So far, the reopening and sales in several countries have beenbetter than expected, reaching reopening rate at 87%. Then, with stores inSpain and the UK opening on June 8 and 15 respectively.


美国百货诺德斯特龙百货Nordstrom 5月28日颁布,一季度净贩卖额较上年同期降低40%。

因为姑且闭店、贬价幅度加大和疫情相干用度增长致使贩卖额降低,该零售商客岁第四时度的利润为7,700万美元,息税前吃亏8.13亿美元。Nordstrom 净吃亏为5.21亿美元,此中包含1.73亿美元的COVID-19税后用度。

04|Nordstrom Q1 loss exceeds half a billion dollars

US department Nordstrom on 28 May reported that first quarter net salesfell 40% from last year.

The retailer experienced loss before interest andtaxes of $813 million, from earnings in that metric of $77 million in theyear-ago quarter, due to lower sales volume from temporary closures, increasedmarkdowns and $280 million in COVID-19-related charges. Nordstrom swung to anet loss of $521 million, including after-tax COVID-19 charges of $173 million.

05|新进世界级购物村ICON Outlet at The O2规划6月15日重启开业

ICON Outlet at The O2近日颁布发表,将于6月15日分阶段重启开业。ICON Outlet at The O2于2018年10月正式开业,涵盖时装、鞋履、家居糊口、观光、珠宝、活动、食物等10个门类的各类优良大牌。客流受益于四周的O2文娱场合,和四周的伦敦地铁站,和周边浩繁休闲餐饮场合。

05|The new world-class shopping village ICON Outlet at The O2 p時時彩技巧,lans to reopenon June 15

ICON Outlet at The O2 recently announced that it will reopen on June 15th,which is also the beginning of its stage reopening. ICON Outlet at The O2 wasofficially opened in October 2018, covering 10 categories of premium brandsincluding fashion, footwear, home life, travel, jewelry, sports and food.

Theshopping center benefits from nearby O2 entertainment venues, as well as nearbyLondon Underground stations and numerous casual dining options.

06|翻新后的克罗伊登中间Croydon Central购物中间重启开业

HabenProperty Fund颁布发表,翻新后的Croydon Central购物中间已于5月20日从新开业,同时包含新入驻的ALDI商铺、25家新零售租户及一块餐饮区。

06|Haben’s Croydon Central redevelopment opens

The Haben Property Fund announced that the renovated Croydon Centralshopping Centre reopened on 20 May, which includes new ALDI stores, 25 newretail tenants and a dining area.



近日,全世界时尚豪侈品团体卡普里控股有限公司(Capri Holdings Limited)颁布分阶段重启全世界门店运营规划的细节。今朝,美洲455家零售店中,只有不到15%的门店开业,欧洲、中东和非洲的318家零售店中,近60%的门店已开业。

01|Capri to reopen global stores

Capri Holdings Limited, a global fashion luxury group, provided details onthe company’ s phased reopening plan for its global store operations.Currently, less than 15% of the 455 retail stores in the Americas and almost 60% of the 318 retail stores in EMEAare open. Capri anticipate having the majority open by early July 2020.


LVMH旗下豪侈品牌赛琳(Celine)讲话人暗示,该品牌将于来岁接收Louis Vuitton位于伦敦New Bond街39-40号的门店,而其位于Mount街的门店也将继续业务。

据悉,ew Bond街2019年第二财季房钱为每平方英尺1714美元,今朝已成为继中国香港铜锣湾和曼哈顿第五大道的全世界房钱第三高的购物街道。

02|Celine will take over LV flagship store in London

A spokesman for Celine, a luxury brand owned by LVMH, said the brand wouldtake over Louis Vuitton' s 39-40 New Bond Street store in London next year, andits Mount Street store would not be closed.

New Bond Street has become the thirdhighest rent shopping street in the world following Causeway Bay in Hong Kong ofChina and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. According to Cushman & Wakefield, therent of New Bond Street in the second quarter of 2019 is 1714 US dollars persquare foot.




三、Sports brand lululemon's market value approaches $40 billion

As the share prices of most apparel companies have plu妹妹eted or even beenon the verge of bankruptcy, while the stock price of yoga brand sportswearlululemon has repeatedly hit new highs.

As of May 29, it closed up 5.51% to$300.1, breaking the 300 mark for the first time. This year, it has risen 28%in total, with a market value of $39 billion, approaching $40 billion.


日本快时尚品牌优衣库位于东京银座的全新旗舰店将于6月19日从新开业,该店一到四层的内部已全数改建进级,由左腾柏和瑞士修建公司Herzog&de Meuron和日本的Praemium Imperiale配合完成,翻新后加倍凸显了品牌“Life Wear”的DNA,夸大“糊口中的一切都在这里”的观点。

04|UNIQLO's Tokyo flagship store will reopen this month

According to the fashion Network news, the new flagship store of Japanesefast fashion UNIQLO in Ginza, Tokyo, will be reopened on June 19.

All the firstto fourth floors of the store have been renovated and upgraded. It was jointlycompleted by Zuo tengbai, Herzog & de Meuron, a Swiss construction company,and Praemium Imperial in Japan. After the renovation, the store magnifies thefeature of "Life Wear". It also emphasizes the concept of"everything in life is here".


巴西人字拖品牌 Havaianas 估计在6月尾于海南三亚设立中国第一家旗舰店,借此正式打入海内零售市场。据悉,Havaianas已于客岁 7 月开设天猫官方旗舰店,并从本年四月起陆续于重点都会开设线下快闪店。

05|Havaianas will open its first physical store in China

Havaianas, a Brazilian flip flop brand, is expected to open its firstflagship store in Sanya, Hainan Province, by the end of June, in order toofficially enter the retail market of China. Havaianas opened Tmall' s officialflagship store in July last year, and has opened offline flash stores in somebig cities since April this year.


近日,意大利豪侈团体Prada结合CEO Patrizio Bertelli流露,Prada5月在海内市场的增加规复超10%。并暗示,Prada团体今朝没有斟酌从香港退市。Prada团体今朝在中国和韩国市场销量强劲,但离团体事迹彻底规复还相差甚远。

06|Prada's sales in China increased by more than 10% in May

Recently, Patrizio Bertelli, co-CEO of Italian luxury group Prada, saidthat in the past five months, Prada's growth in the domestic market hasrecovered more than 10%. Bertelli also said that Prada Group is currently notconsidering delisting Hong Kong. However, this is still far from the group'scomplete recovery.




值得存眷的是,Sacai开创人Chitose Abe作为Jean Paul Gaultier交班人的首秀将在这次时装周开幕,时隔52年重返高档定制范畴的Balenciaga也将参加时装周。

01|French fashion week will be held Online

As reported, after Milan Fashion Week, the FHCM (Fédération de laHaute Couture et de la Mode) also announced that it will hold online premiumfashion week from July 6 to 8, and will successively announce a number oftechnical partners of this fashion week.

It is worth noting that the first showof Sacai founder Chitose Abe as the successor of Jean Paul Gaultier will beunveiled in this fashion week, and Balenciaga, who has returned to the field ofadvanced customization after 52 years, will also join the fashion week.

02|Under Armour颁布门店重启规划后股价一度大涨近3%

美鼎祚动衣饰品牌Under Armour 5月28日盘前公布门店重启规划,近期其在北美近一半门店将从新开业,但会施行收缩业务时候、限定客流量、封闭试衣间和请求员工和消费者在店内佩带口罩等办法来预防疫情舒展。动静公布后,该团体股价5月28日盘前一度大涨2.8%,今朝市值约为37亿美元。

02|After Under Armour announced the plan to reopen the store, the stock pricerose nearly 3%

Under Armour, the US sportswear brand, announced its store plan of reopeningby May 28, and will reopen nearly half of its stores in North America recently.However, it will implement measures such as shortening business hours, limitingcustomer traffic, closing fitting rooms and requiring employees and consumersto wear masks in stores to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

After theannouncement, the Group' s share price rose 2.8% after-hour on May 28, and itscurrent market value is about $3.7 billion.




03|Aritzia revenue expected to fall 45% in the first quarter

Aritzia, a fashion retailer in Canada, recently announced that its fourthquarter sales rose 6.3% to $275.4 million and its net profit rose 16% to $21.7million, driven by the strong e-co妹妹erce business.

Throughout the year, thebrand' s sales increased 12.2% year-on-year to $980 million. However, affectedby the outbreak, Aritzia expects sales to fall 45% in the first quarter.


英国快时尚零售巨擘 Primark 6月1日暗示,其在英国的全数 153家门店将于6月15日从新开业。与大大都时尚零售商分歧,Primark 的贩卖全数经由过程实体渠道举行,是以疫情激发的天下性封闭彻底阻断了其营业的开展。

截至今朝, Primark 在全世界已有112家门店从新开业,包含德国32家、西班牙25家和荷兰20家。

04|Primark, a British fastfashion giant, has reopened its stores

Primark, the British fast fashion retail giant, said on June 1 that its 153stores in the UK would reopen on June 15. Unlike most fashion retailers,Primark' s sales are all through physical channels, so the nationwide lockdowncaused by the epidemic makes it impossible for them to sell goods in stock.

Sofar, Primark has reopened 112 stores around the world, including 32 in Germany,25 in Spain and 20 in the Netherlands.




05|UNIQLO Japan sales fell 20% in May

UNIQLO' s parent company, fast retailing group, recently released thelatest performance data. UNIQLO' s sales in May continued to be hit by theepidemic, down 19.7% year-on-year, and comparable sales fell 18.1%.

During theperiod, about 20% of its stores in Japan were forced to temporarily close.However, UNIQLO stressed that the offline suspension did not reduce consumers'desire for brand products. The sales of e-co妹妹erce on the official websiteincreased sharply in May. In the future, UNIQLO will also launch reusable masksto better satisfy consumers.



06|Jigsaw, a British clothing brand, will leave Australia

Affected by the epidemic, Jigsaw, a British clothing brand, recentlyannounced that it has closed all its stores and e-co妹妹erce businesses inAustralia. In the future, it will focus on developing businesses in the UK'slocal market. 33 stores of the brand in the UK will resume business from June15.



07|95 H&M stores suspended in the United States

Affected by the increasingly severe retail environment in the UnitedStates, Swedish fast fashion H&M decided to temporarily close the Group' s95 stores in the United States. As the protests continued, many brands' storesin the United States were smashed to varying degrees, and the losses weretemporarily incalculable.

08|加拿大鹅(CANADA GOOSE)2020财年收入大涨逾15%



08|Canada goose's revenue soared by more than 15% in fy2020

In the 12 months ended March 29, sales of luxury down brand Canadian geeserose 15.4% year-on-year to $958 million, gross profit rose 14.8% to $593million, and net profit rose 5.6% to $151.7 million.

However, affected by theoutbreak, Canada goose business recorded a 9.8% decline to $140 million in thefourth quarter, while net profit fell 72.22% to $2.5 million.

09|英国豪侈钟表零售商 Watches of Switzer老人醫用護具,land 疫情期线上贩卖额增加45.8%

近期,英国最大的豪侈钟表及珠宝分销商 Watches of Switzerland 公布财报。上一财年(截至4月26日),Watches of Switzerland营收增加5.9%,达8.193亿英镑,超越了最新展望。


09|Online sales of Watches of Switzerland increased by 45.8% during theepidemic period

Recently, there have been positive signals from Watches of Switzerland, thelargest luxury watch and jewelry distributor in the UK.

In the last fiscal year(as of April 26), watches of Switzerland recorded revenue growth of 5.9% to813.3 million pounds (about 925 million euros), exceeding the latest forecast.In the 46 weeks before the blockade (to March 15), the Group' s revenue grewsteadily (+ 16.8%). To April 26, online channel sales increased by 45.8% injust six weeks.

10|美国鹰American Eagle Outfitters第一财季贩卖额大跌38%

在截至5月2日的三个月内,美国衣饰团体美国鹰(AmericanEagle Outfitters)贩卖额大跌38%至5.52亿美元,净吃亏录得2.57亿美元,而客岁同期净利润为4070万美元。按品牌计较,American Eagle贩卖额下跌45%,亵服品牌Aerie贩卖额下滑2%。

10|American Eagle Outfitters sales fell 38% in the first quarter

In the three months to May 2, sales of American Eagle Outfitters fell 38%to $552 million, recording a net loss of $257 million, compared with a netprofit of $40.7 million for the same period last year. By brand, American Eaglesales fell 45% and lingerie brand Aerie sales fell 2%.



别的,Gucci还将经由过程北美的Changemakers Impact基金向NAACP、Campaignzero等组织捐钱。在截至3月30日的三个月内,Gucci贩卖额大跌22.4%至18.04亿欧元,上年同期为大涨24.6%,线下直营店贩卖额大跌23.8%。

11|Gucci stores in North America will be closed for one day on June 4 to showsupport to the African-American crowd

Gucci recently announced through its official Instagram account that allits stores in North America will be closed for a day to show its support andrespect to the African-American crowd.

In addition, Gucci will donate to NAACP,Campaignzero and other organizations through the North American ChangemakersImpact Fund. In the three months ended March 30, Gucci sales plu妹妹eted 22.4% to1.804 billion euros, up 24.6% in the same period compared to last year, andoffline direct store sales fell 23.8%.

12|LV老板身家再次破1000亿美元 几近回到疫情前程度

据悉,截至美国时候5月28日下战书5点,全世界最大豪侈品团体LVMH董事长兼首席履行官Bernard Arnault身家增长34亿美元至1026亿美元,领跑全世界富豪,这也象征着他的财产正逐步回到疫情前的程度,迫近1月19日时的峰值1170亿美元。

12|LV boss's net worth broke $100 billion again, almost back to the levelbefore the epidemic

It is reported that since 5:00 pm on 28 May, US time, Bernard Arnault,chairman and chief executive officer of the world's largest luxury goods groupLVMH, has increased by 3.4 billion U.S. dollars to 102.6 billion U.S. dollars,leading the world's richest, which also means that his wealth is graduallyreturned to the level before the epidemic, approaching a peak of $117 billionon January 19.


据钻研公司Global Data估计,疫情将帮忙鞭策中国成为全世界最大的打扮市场,并在将来三年内跨越美国。

据展望,2023年排名前十位的将是中国、美国、日本、印度、德国、英国、意大利、俄罗斯、韩国和法国。Global Data阐发师暗示,跟着成熟的西方市场衰败,包含中国,印度和韩国在内的成长中的亚太市场将于三年内涵市场中盘踞更大的位置。

13|Analysis says China will replace the US as the largest apparel market in2023

According to the research company Global Data’s forecast, the epidemic willhelp promote China to become the world's largest apparel market and surpass theUnited States in the next three years.

It is predicted that the top ten in 2023will be China, the United States, Japan, India, Germany, the United Kingdom,Italy, Russia, South Korea and France. Global Data analysts said that with thedecline of mature Western markets, the developing Asia-Pacific market,including China, India and South Korea, will occupy a larger position in themarket within three years.



14|Macau retail sales almost halve in first quarter 2020

Retail sales in Macau have almost halved since the beginning of 2020compared to the same quarter last year, on the back of pandemic effect.

Totalretail sales value in first quarter in the city’s plu妹妹eted 45.1% year-on-yearto MOP11.24 billion (US$1.41 billion), revealed by Macau’s Statisticsand Census Service. At the same time total first-quarter spending by touristsin Macau, excluding gambling expenses, were also affected by the pandemic,registering a decline of 70.4% year-on-year to MOP5.01 billion.




01|Carrefour to acquire Wellcome Taiwan of China

Dairy Farm announced that it has entered into an agreement with Carrefourfor them to acquire 100% of Wellcome Taiwan. Completion of this transition isexpected to take place later in 2020, after the appropriate regulatoryapprovals has been granted. Once approved, this transaction will create thelargest multi-format food retailer in Taiwan.




02|Essilor Luxottica raised 3 billion euros

Essilor Luxottica, the world' s largest optical manufacturer, issued 3billion euros of bonds on May 28, with maturities of 3 years and 6 months, 5years and 6 months as well as 8 years, respectively, with coupon rates of0.25%, 0.375% and 0.5% respectively.

The financing will be used for generalpurposes. Essilor Luxottica said that the bond issuance volume reached a peakof nearly 11 billion euros, attracting high-quality institutional investors,showing that the market has a strong confidence in the group' s business modeland credit status.


据悉,LVMH董事长兼首席履行官Bernard Arnault近日正在与参谋举行沟通,以寻觅向Tiffany施压的法子,重启162亿美元收购买卖的会商。


03|LVMH intends to renegotiate the $16.2 billion acquisition of Tiffany

LVMH Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault is said to be in talks with advisersto find a way to put pressure on Tiffany to resume talks on the $16.2 billiondeal. So far, Neither Tiffany nor LVMH have responded to relevant news.

At theclose of trading on 3 June, Tiffany's share price plunged for two consecutivedays, dropping 2.38%, and its market value fell back to $13.8 billion.

04|西班牙美妆团体Puig收购Charlotte Tilbury

据悉,西班牙美妆团体正在与英国彩妆品牌Charlotte Tilbury就收购事宜举行会商,相干细节还没有颁布,买卖完成后CharlotteTilbury的茵蝶, 估值将达10亿美元,品牌开创人CharlotteTilbury将保存少数股分。除Puig团体外,结合利华、欧莱雅和雅诗兰黛三大巨擘也是潜伏竞购者。

04|Spanish beauty group Puig will buy Charlotte Tilbury as soon as this week

As reported, Spanish beauty group is negotiating with Charlotte Tilbury, aBritish cosmetics brand, on the acquisition. Relevant details have not beenreleased yet. After the completion of the transaction, Charlotte Tilbury willbe valued at US $1 billion, and the founder of the brand Charlotte Tilbury willkeep a minority stake.

In addition to Puig group, Unilever, L'Oreal and EsteeLauder are also potential bidders.

05|英国时尚品牌 Ted Baker 将募资1.05亿英镑

6月1日,英国打扮品牌 Ted Baker 颁布发表为不乱公司活动性,并共同新任首席履行官 Rachel Osborne 的转型规划,将经由过程股票配售筹集9500万英镑并经由过程公然认购筹集1000万英镑。Ted Baker 暗示,这次筹款将支撑品牌打造新的增加模式,旨在使公司尽快规复红利。

05|UK fashion brand Ted Baker to raise £ 105 million

On June 1, Ted Baker, a British clothing brand, announced that it wouldraise £95 million through share placement and £10 million through publicsubion to stabilize corporate liquidity and in line with thetransformation plan of Rachel Osborne, the new CEO.

Ted Baker said the fund-raisingwill support the brand to create a new growth model, aiming to gain profitagain as soon as possible.

06|墨尔本Vicinity Centres筹集12亿美元应答疫情

据悉,墨尔本Vicinity Centres购物中间于6月1日在澳大利亚证券买卖所(ASX)正式提交新证券,每股为1.48美元的刊行价,这次刊行得到了现有证券持有人和潜伏新投资者的鼎力支撑。正常买卖于2020年6月5日起头,估计筹集12亿美元,净收入将用于了偿债务。

06|Melbourne Vicinity Centres raises $1.2 billion to address COVID-19 impacts

Melbourne’s Vicinity Centres shopping mall formally submitted new securities(placement)on theAustralian Stock Exchange (ASX) on June 1 as an issue price of US$1.48. ThePlacement received strong support from existing security holders and demandfrom potential new investors.

Vigorous normal trading is about to start on June5, 2020, and is expected to raise $1.2 billion with net income will be used torepay debt.返回搜狐,检察更多

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沙發修理, 當舖, 汽車借款, 堆高機, 空壓機, 冰淇淋機綿綿冰機桃園室內設計 刷卡換現金, 台中搬家悠遊卡套, 未上市未上市股票台北當舖, 台北網頁設計, 滑鼠墊, 布沙發獨立筒沙發南港融資, 封口機, 隆乳, 高雄汽車借款, 廢鐵回收, 信用卡換現金刷卡換現金T shirt未上市, 沙發, 支票借款, 沙發工廠獨立筒沙發, 貓抓布沙發, 瘦臉, 滑鼠墊, 汽機車借款, 台北室內設計, 電熨斗, 廚餘回收再利用機關廚餘回收新店當舖, 汽機車借款台北保全, 懶人瘦身方法, 台北借錢, 台北當舖, 伍德低溫合金, 支票借款贈品, 支票借錢, 彰化當舖24小時當舖, 刷卡換現, 中古沖床, 腹部拉皮, 美食推薦, 健康檢查中心, 玩家論壇, 屏東借錢, 南港汽車借款, 除蟎噴霧, 屏東當舖三峽當舖房屋二胎小額借款, 信用借款, 票貼, 支票貼現, 不動產估價師, 台北當舖, 房屋二胎機車借款免留車, 汽車借款免留車, 飄眉, 悠遊卡套, 贈品, 未上市, 台中搬家公司

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